Location: Kentucky Type: Physical book
Timeline: Linear Genre: Gothic Fiction
Narration: 1st person - Opal's perspective
3rd person - Arthur Sterling's perspective
Stars: 3.5
This book started off okay but then got a little slow. At about page 130 it picked up again. I love the idea the story presented. I enjoyed the adventure to finding a home. There is magic in seeing the world differently. This book makes you rethink rumors, names, families, homes and what they mean. What makes a family? what's in a name? Where is home? I would love to dive further into the Underland and battle the beasts around us.
There is one encounter with some detail but not too graphic.
Fuck: 39
Ass: 19
Bitch: 4
Shit: 42
GD: 16
Cunt/Pussy: 0
Dick/Cock: 2
L in V: 32
Bastard: 6
"Home is just wherever you get stuck"
"Home is wherever you're loved, Opal." - Charlotte
Do you agree?
What is 'home' to you?
Where is 'home' for you?
When Opal feels lost, she finds comfort in Underland.
"Maybe that's why I turn the page. Maybe I'm looking for a story that still feels familiar, or maybe it's just muscle memory."
Is there a book/activity you are drawn to when in need of comfort?
"Every culture seemed to have its own defenses against them [beasts]: silver bullets, crosses, holy words, hamsas, circles of salt, cold iron, blessed water, wards and runes and rituals, a hundred ways of driving back the dark."
What do we use today to defend against beasts/darkness?
How do you think Opal's life would have been if Arthur never came back from school and she had become warden of Starling House?
How would Jasper's life be different?
Do you think it really was Arthur's fault that Opal's mother died?
Why or why not?
Do you think Arthur knew all along who Opal was? If so, is that why he helped her?
"How in hell is anybody supposed to help you if you wont's ask?"
Because asking is dangerous, I could tell her. Because to ask is to hope that someone answers, and it hurts so bad when nobody does.
Is it easy for you to ask for help?
What keeps you from asking for help? When you do ask for help, who do you ask?
What do you think happened to Jasper?
Do you think he ever found out what happened to Opal and Arthur?
Is there a "Sterling House" in your area?
What stories are told about it?