Location: FL/CA Type: EBook
Timeline: Non-Linear Genre: Suspense/Thriller/Sci-Fi
Narration: 3rd Person
Stars: 3.5
This was not my favorite by this author although it was a good book. It was a quick read and very entertaining. I loved the story of friendship found throughout Benny's journey. There were parts and elements that were quite strange. I am not sure my head fully grasped it all. But all said and done I enjoyed reading this book. It wasn't too heart racing like some thrillers and not quite predictable as some suspense novels. It kept me needing to know what happens next.
Fuck: 1
Ass: 11
Bitch: 8
Shit: 23
GD: 1
C**t/Pussy: 0
Dick/Cock: 1
L in V: 4
Bastard: 7
Mass Murder
"Having a family, a happy family, was the most important thing of all to him, because it was something he'd never yet experienced. Being able to support a thriving family was what drove him to work so hard."
What was something missing in your childhood that you want to make sure your children have?
Do you think Benny achieved his goal?
Benny cleaned when he was sad or upset.
What is a task you do when you are sad or upset?
"Maybe you haven't met the right girl," she said, as if the previous two millennia were known to have been lousy for romance.
What era has the best romance (in your opinion)?
"White chocolate sucks. It isn't really chocolate. White chocolate is a fraud."
Do you agree with spike?
What is your opinion of white chocolate?
"In the world as it had become and was becoming, what were virtues had been transformed into vices, vices into virtues, and resistance to this process was futile."
What is a vice that is now a virtue? What is a virtue that is now a vice?
What did this story tell you about love and friendship?
If this story was reality do you think you would have a craggle?
Why or why not?
Do you think 3rd person was an effective way to tell the story?
Did you find the author's notes throughout the book (the parts in parenthesis that broke the proverbial fourth wall) helpful, entertaining, or did they take away from the reading experience?