Location: Virginia Type: Physical book
Timeline: N/A Genre: Historical Fiction
Narration: dual narrators
Stars: 5
Such a heart breaking tale of the struggles of life during the late 1700s and early 1800s. Not only did it express the challenges of race during the time but also the suffering of women of the age. The author kept me fully engaged wit the many lovable and relatable characters. This would be a great book to add to you reading list or for you book club.
Bastard: 2
Nigger: 5
Infant death
slave death
parent death
salve era violence and prejudices
In the beginning, why do you think everyone was against having Lavinia?
Why did she seem to not be accepted?
Was it only for the fact she was light skinned?
In chapter 2, Belle says this:
"I don't care what they say, I don't want no free papers. They're just a way for the cap'n to get me out of here."
We know the captain is Belle's father and that she was treated good by her grandmother. But her grandmother is dead and the captain does not provide much (if any) affection toward Belle.
Why would she want to stay?
Why would she not want to leave and be free?
Early on in the novel we are introduced to a sort of caste system among slaves. Slaves in the kitchen house ate better, were treated better, and had better quarters than the field slaves.
Why do you think this was the case?
Why would slaves choose to segregate into classes?
Was it a choice?
When Sally dies falling off the swing did you think it to be an accident or was someone else to blame?
In chapter 10 Belle is told by Captain, her father, that she is to stay away from Ben or Ben will be punished.
Not knowing the rest of the novel, what should Belle do?
Martha takes a liking to Lavinia and shares her life story with Lavinia.
Why do you think that is?
Why would Martha take in another child yet ignore her own sons?
Do you think Lavinia and Will Stephens are a good match? Why or why not?
In chapter 29 we find out that once they were Pennsylvania, Miss Martha went to the Hospital for the Insane. "The hospital accepted only those who were dangerous or curable."
Lavinia wasn't told which one Miss Martha fell under.
What would you categorize her as?
Is Marshall a good match for Lavinia? Why or why not?
Is what Marshall did to Belle considered in your decision?
What would your answer be if that incident did not happen?
Mr. B found Cardigan but revealed that Cardigan was ded.
Do you think it is best for Lavinia that she know her brother's fate?
Or would it be best for her to just never find out?
Does Marshall's future behavior out-weigh his past behavior?
When Lavinia returned to Tall Oaks as Marshall's wife she received a cold welcoming and not the warm "welcome home" she looked forward to.
Why do you think that was?
Do you think if they knew Lavinia did not know of Marshall's transgressions it would have been different?
In chapter 43 Lavinia talks about knowing of Marshall calling upon Beattie in an intimate fashion. Beattie becomes pregnant and Lavinia has to work through her feelings. She says the following: "I felt unable to direct my anger toward Marshall, and in an effort to rid myself of it, I looked instead toward Beattie, a safer target."
What do you think she was saying here? Why was it so hard for her to be angry with Marshall?
When Beattie lost her baby in child birth, Lavinia had this to say: "Inwardly, I was relieved that the baby died."
Was this selfish of Lavinia to say?
What do you think she meant by this statement?
Belle and Lucy started off less than friends. Yet they found a close friendship while on Will's farm.
Do you think this is genuine friendship or a means of survival?
How do you think the story would have changed if Lavinia and Elly went back to Williamsburg with the Madden's?
How do you think Marshall would have reacted?
At the end of chapter 47 Lavinia takes her first dose of laudanum.
Do you think that Miss Martha, Lavinia and other women of their social stature use Laudanum to cure actual ailments or for their mental health?
After Lavinia hits her head and is instructed to stop using Laudanum, Lavinia comes face to face with the truth.
"In my selfish escape, I had abandoned my own child."
What is your selfish escape?
Where is the line of "healthy escape" and "abandonment"?
Why do you think Marshall got angry when Belle said Jamie was his son?
Marshall was shot by Jamie after Marshall hanged Mama Mae.
Why was running not an option for Lavinia?
Eventually Lavinia was acquitted and acquired all she could dream of (freedom, family, land).
Was it worth the means to get to that point?
Why do you think Belle's gravestone only said
"Belle Pyke
Daughter of James Pyke"
When she was so much more?